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Bunker Hill
United Methodist Church

Pastor Katy Mossburg

As I enter into my third year here at Bunker Hill United Methodist Church, I am excited to be able to share Jesus Christ with our community. We are excited to offer two services beginning in October, a traditional service at 10 am and a praise and worship service at 11 am. Whether you are a person who loves the beauty and ritual of a traditional service with hymns and prayers from the hymnal, or you prefer more contemporary music and less ritual, we have a place for you. I have been a pastor for 5 years and I am excited for us to grow together as we seek a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God.
I can't wait to see you on Sunday!
Pastor Katy
Administrator - Tiffany King
Custodian -Open Position

Pianist - open position
Nursery Attendant - Open Position
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